BitExchanger Nulled PHP Script

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Download BitExchanger PHP Software for Creating Money or e-Currency Exchange Website with BitExchanger PHP script. BitExchanger support unlimited currency also you can add your Local currency. Publish this Script.

WooCommerce Colors and Swatches for Variations v1.0.2

woocommerce colors and swatches for variations v1 0 2 5f78733612bbf

WooCommerce Color and Swatches for Variations will help you with selecting variations which will beautify and manage your estore. There you can apply product images with your woocommerce products intact which will give a the perfect picture of your swatch image. Demo:

WooCommerce Product Catalog Mode v1.6.2

woocommerce product catalog mode v1 6 2 5f787330d1d62

This Plugin remove prices, removes the add to cart button or replaces it with an enquiry form. Only if you want, because there are more settings than you could expect! You have a product / category you still want to sell? Just put it inside the exclusion list! Demo:

Scroller v1.1.2 – Custom Scrollbar for WordPress

scroller v1 1 2 custom scrollbar for wordpress 5f78732ca8125

The Scroller WordPress Plugin is a beautiful scrollbar for any scrollable element or a whole WordPress page. The Scroller is explicitly designed to customize the scrollbar on your WordPress site. This WordPress plugin turns an ordinary annoying browser scrollbar into a lovely stylized scrolling control. Demo:

Revealer v2.0.2 – Navigation popup for WordPress links

revealer v2 0 2 navigation popup for wordpress links 5f7873284b339

Revealer WordPress plugin displays a pop-up tooltip for WordPress pages and posts. The plugin allows users to see the contents of the post before going to the page. Revealer improves the user experience and is very convenient because it will enable you to navigate the site’s navigation better. Demo:

Legacy v7.1 – White label WordPress Admin Theme

legacy v7 1 white label wordpress admin theme 5f787323ecc46

Legacy Admin is most advanced and elegant White Label WordPress Admin Theme in marketplace. Along with White Label Branding features, It comes with 20 Elegant themes and gives you an option to Create your own custom theme. Demo:

JBlog Elements v1.1.1 – Magazine & Blog Add Ons for Elementor & WPBakery Page Builder

jblog elements v1 1 1 magazine blog add ons for elementor wpbakery page builder 5f78731faefe5

JBlog Elements is a premium news/blog addons for Elementor, WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer), Beaver Builder and Divi Builder. Create news, blog or magazine website by using your favorite theme. Now you could display a news/blog section on your homepage or create totally new layout for the blog page. Yes, JBlog Elements works with […]

HT Slider Pro For Elementor v1.0.1

ht slider pro for elementor v1 0 1 5f78731b578df

HT Slider Pro is a plugin to create a slider for WordPress websites easily using the Elementor page builder. 80+ prebuild slides/templates are included in this plugin. There is the option to create a post slider, WooCommerce product slider, Video slider, image slider, etc. Fullscreen, full width and box layout option are included. Free version […]

dFlip v1.5.6 – PDF FlipBook WordPress Plugin

dflip v1 5 6 pdf flipbook wordpress plugin 5f787317238ba

Easy Image & PDF Flipbook plugin for WordPress. Just add the link to the PDF file and your PDF Flipbook is ready to use. You don’t need traditional PDF to Image conversions anymore. DFlip is stunning realistic WordPress Flipbook Plugin, based on modern WebGL technology. You can also create image based Photo Flipbooks Demo: […]

Easy Digital Downloads – PDF Vouchers v2.0.17

easy digital downloads pdf vouchers v2 0 17 5f787312cc495

Create unlimited PDF Vouchers that customers can redeem in person. EDD PDF Vouchers – WordPress plugin is a perfect solution for gift vouchers, rewards, promotions and event tickets, giving you and your customers complete flexibility. For offline businesses, or those that want to bring the two together, this PDF Vouchers plugin will give your business […]


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